Task Forces
We encourage you to actively participate in one or more of our task forces by sending us an email indicating your preferred task force(s), and we will connect you with the respective task force chairs.
The TxABA PPG Task Forces have the primary purpose of:
Supporting TxABA PPG members and consumers regarding their respective task force area.
Listening to the needs of members and consumers and actively works to identify, collect, and provide relevant information and to promote changes in services and in society where needed.
With the help of the TxABA PPG lobbyist, members work on legislative reform, new legislation, rulemaking and revising, establishing relationships with state representatives and senators as well as educating them and their staff on the barriers their constituents face daily (including providers and those we serve).
Organizing resources, making resources available, and providing presentations as needed.

Adult/Geriatric Services NEW!!!
Chair: Gordon Bourland
Support TxABA PPG members and consumers regarding services for adults including those who are seniors.
Works with advocacy and other organizations as appropriate
Priorities for the next legislative session:
To be determined
Meeting frequency: At least once quarterly, generally virtually, with in-person meeting at the annual TxABA conference and possibly in other situations
Chair: Ellen Rhoads
Co-Chair: Jenny Perry
Secretary: Rachel Massey
Support TxABA PPG members and consumers that work with private insurance payors.
Works with TDI and other organizations as appropriate.
Priorities for the next legislative session:
Align Autism Insurance Mandate with Mental Health Parity
Align Autism Insurance Mandate with the generally agreed upon standards of care
Expedited credentialing through commercial insurance for LBAs
Meeting frequency: On the third Wednesday of the month virtually
Chair: Anna Sciarillo
Co-Chair: Mariel Cremonie-Fernandez
Support TxABA PPG members and consumers regarding the Texas ABA Medicaid benefit
Monitor, assess, and offer recommendations on matters concerning Medicaid services in Texas
Works with TMHP, MCOs, and other organizations as appropriate
Priorities for the next legislative session:
Adequate, sustainable, Medicaid rates
Texas Medicaid provider education (join our upcoming webinar or our workshop at the TxABA annual conference)
Expedited credentialing for LBAs through the Medicaid MCOs
Meeting frequency: Bi-monthly on the second Thursday of the month at 2:00 pm virtually
Public Education
Chair: Rany Thommen
Co-Chair: Lupe Castaneda
Support TxABA PPG members and consumers regarding behavior analytic needs within public education
Works with TEA, ESCs, and other organizations as appropriate
Priorities for the next legislative session:
Identify priorities and establish strong relationships with TEA and the ESCs
Meeting frequency: To be determined
Chair: Ashley Labay
Support TxABA PPG members and consumers regarding ABA telehealth needs
Offers evidence-based recommendations and best practices, assisting in the formulation of telehealth regulations and policies
Optimize remote ABA services, enhancing accessibility, and improving the quality of care for individuals with diverse needs
Priorities for the next legislative session:
Identify barriers with access to care and remind payors of telehealth parity in Texas
Put out a survey to get more information from current providers including what interventions are being utilized via telehealth and training needs for practitioners. This will steer our activities throughout the year on offering updates and trainings on using telehealth modality for providing ABA services.